Carson City
Carson City Airport is used regularly by private and air taxi operators and is an important hub for business.
If you're thinking about starting, developing or relocating a business in Carson City, take a look at the resources you can take advantage of to help make your venture a success!
Economic Development - If you are a new business looking at Carson City as a possible business site, or an established business considering expanding? Visit the Carson City Economic Development website for economic and business information.
Bid Opportunities - Information on current bid opportunities offered by the Carson City. You may sign up for automatic bid notification, on-line access to bid documents and subscription details and costs.
Permits and Licenses - Need to know what to do to get a business license or a permit for a special event? Visit the Carson City Business License Division for the information you need.
Small Business Permit Process Overview - This page contains information to assist the small business owner. You may be considering starting a home-based business, or you may already own a small business and want to expand, remodel or relocate in Carson City. This information is intended to help you identify critical building and zoning issues, understand some common challenges, and make informed choices to avoid costly mistakes.
Planning & Zoning - For more information on zoning, subdivision land development process, signs and billboards, landscaping, growth management and other ordinances.
Water and Sewer Service - The Carson City Utilities Department is your source for establishing and disconnecting water and sewer service. Check with the Utilities Department to find out how to sign up for services or get information concerning water or sewer services.
Redevelopment - Want to find out what the city is doing to revitalize the downtown area? Click on this section for more information.
Carson City Demographics - Get demographic information on Carson City from the U.S. Census Bureau. Information includes charts, tables, reports, and maps.
Better Business Bureau - Link over to the Better Business Bureau for information on local businesses.